Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tracing Paper Sketches

These tracing paper sketches show other possible ideas for my final project as we explored the process of abstracting form.  The inspiration photo is placed under the sketch to show how my forms began to take on abstract shapes.

As part of an in-class exercise, we placed tracing paper on top of our photos tracing the form created by nature through our photos.  We then took the form and abstracted it to create a nonrepresentational rendering of the object in nature.

I found this process rather therapeutic and something that sounded insane but that actually made a lot of sense.  It is a great strategy to use as inspiration for future art projects.

Friday, July 8, 2011

2 Form Sketches

6 Micro Images

2 Negative Forms


As I have been examining landscapes and nature throughout the quarter I have noticed that nature rarely produces straight lines and manmade nature always incorporates straight lines.  The goal of this project was to show the manicured versus the wild.  We create natural environments by mowing the lawn, adding pavements to walk on, and introducing none native flowers.  All of the efforts are quite the opposite than what nature actually is.  We have become a weed to nature destroying the environment in order to put up what we perceive as a natural environment. 
I placed the dandelions on the edge of suburbia where the lawn service only mows about 2 feet from the side walk then the landscape turns into a forest of woods and weeds, a far-cry from the manicured suburbia landscape.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Colors of Nature

The piece was my favorite piece to work on because we use fine to tie all the branches together.  You can’t really tell from the photos but it was branches placed together to make an arch into the forest from the gravel sidewalk.  It was about 4 feet off of the ground and detailed with all sorts of foliage from the forest.  It was the gateway to nature for the urban development of the park.  I wish the pictures would have turned out better.


The gateway was about 4 feet off of the ground creating a gateway to nature.

This picture is taken from the back of the piece to show our use of vines to tie the branches together.

The piece was my favorite piece to work on because we use fine to tie all the branches together.  You can’t really tell from the photos but it was branches placed together to make an arch into the forest from the gravel sidewalk.  It was about 4 feet off of the ground and detailed with all sorts of foliage from the forest.  It was the gateway to nature for the urban development of the park.  I wish the pictures would have turned out better.





This piece was my favorite of the collaborative projects.  We all really enjoyed working on it and really bonded with the environment and each other.  The piece was commenting on the use of the beach as a place people go to socialize with other people. 

The piece was in a very visible spot so people walking by were interested in what we were doing which made the experience even more worth while